Atadia: Collective Analytics NFTs on Solana


Gm. This article is long, but I think it will help you understand the project better. As someone who apes into way too many projects than one can manage, I’m also providing the TLDR below :)


  1. I’m converting one of my IRL data science companies into a Web3 collective analytics company, using the Solana NFTs to engage the community for collective wisdom and good fun
  2. Our initial focus will be on building “PFPscore,” a trust and reputation protocol that can accurately captures trustworthiness without forcing users to doxx. We aim to use PFPscore to help enable use-cases such as:
    — Safety of day-to-day Web3 interactions
    — Under or uncollateralized lending — Better governance within DAOs and inter-DAO governance
  3. This OG Atadian NFT collection is Utility-focused and has a few things going for different investment needs.
    Utility 1: Exposure to our Analytics Business through exclusive perks and revenue shares
    Utility 2: Exciting Staking Mechanics with 50% of $ATA token pool dedicated to NFT holders
    Utility 3: Lo-Fi, Turn-based Alternate Reality Game that connects lore, staking, tokenomics, and analytics together, keeping our community stronger against Detha, the Supervillain in Atadia!
    Utility 4: Seriously awesome Pencil-drawned Art inspired by nature and geeky conversations about data science and Web3
  4. We’ve had a successful private sale of $ATA in one single-pitch and we are planning to limit future private sales to a minimum to keep it as collective as we can
  5. Join the Atadians at
    - Twitter: @atadia_io
    - Discord:
    - Portals: Here
    - Website:
  6. Supply ==> 5,000
  7. Whitepaper ==>
  8. Wen mint? ==> Around Week of Mar 7th 2022 (tentative)

🌙 🏙 An uncommon origin 🏙 🌙

Atadia started out as a dream.


Our Art Master brought my dream to life in a series of captivating pencil-drawn illustrations

One fateful night, I found myself wandering the streets of Atadia, a mysterious, post-Singularity city.

Drones filled the sky above. Cars and ads holograms seemed like they had the minds of their own…something many Atadians had already forgotten ever since life became fully algorithmic.

Following the grapevines that covered the city led me to a park in the middle of downtown.

The Atadians called this place “the Oasis.” It’s the only place in Atadia where algorithms cannot reach. A sanctuary of some sort for the marginalized.

I followed the sound of an old, out-of-tuned piano into a Victorian glasshouse. It was there where the events of The Lost City of Atadia would start to unfold…

…into a hybrid magical realism novel/nonfiction that I spent the next entire year writing about how to be, think, and thrive in the age of algorithms.

The book was where I packed all my econ, public policy, and data science thinking as well as the lessons I’ve learned from being a data tech entrepreneur.

14 chapters touched upon 14 aspects of life. From commerce and government to romantic love and justice.

Beyond the pages and the nightmarish dystopian air, there was hope.

Hope that Web3 and the liberating effects of blockhain-related social innovations would pave a better path for humans and algorithms to coexist.

And all of a sudden [insert disc scratch sound fx here]…

I got bitten by…a fucking monke….


My rabbit hole and why I started building

Or should I say… “monkey hole” ?

On November 10th 2021, while editing my book, I saw a cipher challenge by VAULT: Creators Unlocked and decided to give it a go. That night my partner and I ended up winning the entire thing and received a jpeg worth over 200 SOL as the grand prize.

99% of normies around me gave one advice:


I wasn’t sure what the right thing to do was…still confused as to what just happened.

But as I started to assimilate into a world full of jpeg animals whose , I ended up on a different word:



MonkeDAO monkes strive to build towards a better Web3 ecosystem. That’s what we do.

And so here I am, pivoting one of my businesses and what was supposed to just be a book into Web3 in full force.

Why Collective Analytics? 🚀 🌕

We came from Web2 analytics consulting, data-driven SAAS industries. Where we came from, analytics certainly has its perks but also has created a lot of unintended, and uneven social costs for many.

It has solved many problems, but also created and exacerbated some problems.

The explosive growth of Web3 promises the Renaissance of inclusive ownership economy and the idea of decentralized governance.

It promises a world where if you create value, value finds you and rewards you fairly. A world where critical decisions about who gets what and why aren’t made behind closed doors by the select few. A world where essential services can be accessible to all, no matter where or who you are.

My team and I believe in this Web3 vision and would like to see it come to fruition — both in our own company and in the world. And what better way to do that than to embark on this new journey ourselves?

Our goal at Atadia is to turn what was in my book to reality. We aim to build a Web3 analytics business that is collectively owned and ecosystem-enhancing by unlocking value hidden in the blockchain data. Our approach is to harness both the power of algorithms and wisdom of the crowd, not one or the other.

What we’re building: PFPscore

Level up your PFPscore, it is good for you and for the ecosystem!

We have many ideas but will start with just one first.

Like any innovation, the functionings of Web3 have their own challenges — a fair bit of space we can jump in to help, if you will.

I was first captivated by the interactions between strangers in Web3.

There’s something special and beautiful about value-driven connections that are not constrained by birth and physical boundaries. I’m convinced it’s the way in which these connections are formed and maintained that will propel Web3 to the next level of social innovation and adoption.

Nonetheless, there have been too many unfortunate stories, rugs and scams that slow things down and prevent many interesting use-cases to emerge.

To address this issue, we decided that we will be building “PFPscore,” a trust and reputation protocol that can help enable and enhance interactions that require a certain level of trust in a “trustless” environment.

The goal is to accurately capture the level of trust and reputation among users who are behind their favorite PFPs without forcing them to doxx themselves.

We also aim to remit part of the value generated from this data back to the data owners.

We envision that PFPscore will help enable many use-cases that will benefit the ecosystem as a whole.

On the daily interactions front, imagine a vibe check with extra confidence. Trading NFTs, electing DAO board members, collabing with other people, supporting someone’s projects, interacting with strangers can happen with less frictions. Heck, Discord DMs might even be useful again!

On the finance and payment side of things, imagine Buy-Now-Pay-Later or Mint-Now-Pay-Later experiences. Imagine getting Instant Liquidity with Under-collateralized Lending or Zero-collateral Lending.

Many around the world still don’t have access to capital. Most don’t even have enough data footprints to get a loan (even if they deserve to).

But they likely will hang online with us soon. If this all works out, one day they will finally get financial access based on their conduct here from anywhere.

Banks can’t wait to join the Metaverse. They are always looking for ways to deploy capital. The question becomes… “How will they assess the risk of new borrowers?” Especially those with no IRL files?

And so much more use-cases than one person like me can ever come up.

How would PFPscore work?

Our approach is a hybrid one.

We will combine AI-enabled statistical techniques proven in alternative lending IRL with the power of community (and a bit of social incentives among us degens).

A high-level diagram of how this would work

By analyzing raw transactions data, social graph, and community-driven social incentives, we aim to generate a set of scores for verified PFPs on the Solana blockchain and beyond.

Some of our fun analysis comparing “normal” with “abnormal” wallet behaviors

If you carry yourself well as an honorable member of the Solana community, the score goes up. If not, it goes down. Everyone starts at the same level. The rules are determined both by the community and statistical evidence.

Tons of insights hidden in there!

Our intention is to make the process as collective and transparent as possible. Absolutely no creepy, authoritarian stuff. In my book, the OG Atadians have been oppressed and mind-raided by Detha, the Supervillain, for years already. Don’t make their lives harder!

Our PFPs represent who we are in Web3. We owe it to these cool jpegs and their DAOs to be the best versions of ourselves.

Be sure join our Discord to look out for the Whitepaper. We will outline our thinking about the analytics and commercialization strategy, the products that will eventually piggyback on PFPscore, the opt-in process, and the risks involved in more detail.

The OG Atadians, Utilities, and $ATA

4 Factions based on “Lost City of Atadia” world

There will be OG Atadian NFTs from 4 factions in this collection.

$ATA will be the main currency in Atadia. It has already been created with a fixed supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens.

Utility 1: Exposure to Analytics Business
Co-drive directions and co-earn from our success

  • Direct revenue/profit share from our products
  • Access AtaDAO to propose and vote on major analytics directions
  • Collectively design social and monetary incentives around our products
  • Exclusive access to holders-only analytics services
  • Indirect benefits from AtaDAO Treasury

Utility 2: Staking and Passive Income
Earn $ATA passively, use it to upgrade, and evolve in our lore-based mechanics

  • We have 2 layers of staking: individual-level and faction-level
  • Passive, regular staking for $ATA for all delisted Atadians
  • Extra long-term “CryoStake.” This type of staking is not for everyone but the rewards are tempting
  • Emission rate increase from base rate is possible through individual upgrades as well as participation in our Alternate Reality Game

Utility 3: Turn-based, Alternate Reality Game Experience
Casual ARG experience that enriches the Lore, Staking, Collaboration, and Analytics

  • Join your favorite faction, compete, or unite to fight against Detha and unlock $ATA Bonus allocation for all in the final showdown
  • Increase your $ATA emission rate by investmenting in Faction-specific Technologies
  • Gameplay takes inspirations from proven mechanics of Pandemic, Mansion of Madness, and Forbidden Desert board game series
  • Collect VAULT Keys to access our Cipher Puzzles vaults hidden within the VAULT: Creators Unlocked application. We have serious prizes for winners.
  • The Lo-Fi ARG is playable on our Discord, the metaverse, and sometimes even in the real world

Utility 4: Art, Animation, and Merch
Art is a serious utility in its own right

  • Pencil-drawned art by an award-winning illustrator who explores the mystical juxtaposition between nature and technology
  • Animation, merch, and special NFT auctions will be available


Our Team

We are a team of data scientists, developers, and economists who cut our teeth building data-driven products and solving the most challenging problems in various industries.

We are comfortable with building models in the fields of fraud detection, alternative credit, retail, and real estate analytics.

Everyone in our team has known and worked together for at least 4 years. We will also be hiring more talents.


  • Tech entrepreneur with 10+ yr exp in analytics solutions, serving clients with combined market cap of over $25Bn
  • Wrote “Lost City of Atadia” but excited to see how you all will rewrite it
  • Ph.D. in Applied Economics with a focus on data-driven public policy and welfare economics

Art Master:

  • Award-winning illustrator specialized in nature-inspired pencil drawing
  • Her international clients include Louis Vuitton, The Ritz-Carlton‎, L’OCCITANE en Provence, and Crabtree & Evelyn to name a few

Analytics Lead:

  • Ph.D. in AI engineering with 8+ yr exp, specialized in predictive modeling and NLP
  • 3+ yr exp in leading data-driven Product Owner role

Lore Master:

  • Avid gamer (Valorant, D&D, Minecraft, CS:GO), Five Nights at Freddy’s hardcore fan, wrote a book about being stuck in Minecraft (yes)
  • Quantum computing geek


  • 2 devs working together for 4+ years
  • Can also do ML and Deep Learning

Data Scientists and Data Engineers:

  • 2 Data-minded talents working together for 4+ years
  • All have built products and worked on multiple engagements together

PM / Communications / BD:

  • A team of 3 economists based in Asia and Europe
  • Can also do data science


  • ex-Buddisht monk NLP god and crypto value investor
  • Experienced NFT investor from ETH space
  • ex-Head of Data Science Product who built Telco alternative lending product with me from scratch

